Management Commitment

The top management is totally committed for the development and implementation of the quality management system. The evidence of top management’s commitment is shown through the establishment of quality policy, quality objectives, ensuring availability of resources and conducting management review meetings.

The top management ensures customer satisfaction through effective implementation of quality management systems. The focus is on prevention rather than cure.

The top management has formally expressed their intentions and directions as regards quality through properly laid down quality policy. The policy is communicated to all persons and it is understood by them. The Quality policy is reviewed from time to time or in management review meetings to ensure it is appropriate to the purpose of the organization.

Company wide quality objectives are established which are consistent with quality policy of our company. The quality objectives are also established at department levels which are in line with our corporate quality policies.
The integrity of our quality management system is compared and maintained with requirements of International standard when changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented.

The responsibilities and authorities of all persons whose work affect quality are well defined in terms of job description. This helps in clear cut understanding and smooth flow of work. Appropriate communication process takes place within the organization through various channels such as meetings at various levels, inter departmental correspondence, various circulars from top management, internal audit reports and progress on quality objectives through management reviews.

Top management reviews organizations quality management system at planned intervals (once in six months) to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The input for such review includes internal audit
results, customer feedback, status of corrective and preventive actions follow up actions from previous management review meetings and recommendations for improvements.

The top management ensures provision of resources to implement and maintain quality management systems and to improve its effectiveness. It also ensures to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

Our Human resource department evaluates necessary competence of person while recruiting them for particular jobs. Written down job profiles are available for key roles affecting product quality. HR department also provide necessary training in coordination with QA/QC department when new person joins as part of his induction program. Employees are sent outside to attend training programs based on requirements. The in‐house training programs are also conducted based on the needs. The records of training are maintained by HR department and are reviewed to ensure effectiveness of training provided.

The organization has provided necessary infrastructure facilities to achieve conformance to quality management system requirements. This infrastructure includes buildings, workspace, associated utilities and support services, process equipment, transport and means of communication.

The top management ensures healthy work environment and practices to achieve conformity to quality management systems requirements.